Wednesday, 12 May 2010

AGM & Dinner

The Prizes Were Ready

and the Officials were ready, so on with the show !
The Club held it's AGM & Dinner last night (Tuesday 11th May, 2010) at the Glenesk Hotel. A dissapointing number of members turned up but those that did had a very enjoyable evening and an excellent dinner. If you didn't manage this year please make the effort next year as this really could be a very good night indeed.
Bob, Ron & Linda reported on a successful season with the majority of games being played and every competition going right down to the wire. New members have hopefully been found via the highly successful guest night and the future looks the bit brighter as long as we encourage the new members forward.
The finances had taken a bit of a battering but we were still in a healthy position. Time to hold a fund raiser and do the Charity shop again. Subs were held at £30 & £15 for adults and juniors respectively.
Mike F stood down from the committe having served his time with the vacancy being filled by Sandra Ferguson with Steve Warden also being appointed.
There was talk of the next foreign trip to Hungary or New York but not this season. We need to concentrate on getting a few inter-club trophies back.
The Trophies were presented by Chairman Bob to the season's successful rinks:

Mike's Rink of Steve, Russell & Ron Morrison winning the Club League

Gordon getting a trophy for something or other.....

Robert's rink won the Ferguson Quaich....

Sandra won the pairs along with Colin......

Russell won the Handicap points, Andrew won the points with a tremendous total of 47 points.

Gordon with the trophy for an inter-club game

and not to be out done Mike with another trophy for an inter-club game..

and finally just to show how rivoting the speaches were, Steve turned to page 3 for some insperation!
Well done to Ron for making all the arrangements and to Gordon & his staff for an excellent meal. As previously mentioned please make the effort next year to attend the AGM and, support the club and give your input.
The committee will be bakc in touch shortly with ideas for a summer fund raiser. Barbecue at Edzell Base still sounds favourite.

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