Thursday 6 March 2014

Another fine win for Edzell CC last night this time in the North & South Esk Province Points Competition. Edzell emerged victorious from a large squad of Province players with I think almost every club in the Province represented. Brechin Castle CC were second placed.

Ron Caithness had the highest score of 32 after 6 disciplines with Mike Ferguson second on 31 points and Colin not far behind to make our combined score the highest of all the clubs.

A good year for the club so far with wins in nearly all our club games, new curlers brought on, a successful curlers court and a few social events along the way.

Let's keep it going right up to the end of the season with a good turn out at our prize giving & AGM and names are also being sought for a quiz team for the FCCC Quiz Night on 21st March, 2014 being held at the Ice Rink.

Finally a reminder that the Charity Shop is on right now so if you have any goods you can hand in please do so and if you can take a turn in the shop again please get in touch with Ron or Gordon. This is a valuable fund raiser for the club and it needs as many as possible to help when available.

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