Friday 6 March 2009


Congratulations got to Colin and his rink as they won the club league following the game between Mike's rink and Gordon's Rink. A tight game early on with both teams taking shots off each other but a two on the seventh followed by another two in the eighth end killed the game with Gordon triumphant and Colin delighted. Well done to all the teams for making this year's club league such a close run competition. The final league positions are shown above.

On the sheet next to the club game Andrew, Ron, David Warden & Sandra were battling to reach the Ferburn final with Catterthun as the opposition. Unfortunately the game turned on a fluke shot instead of Edzell gaining a 3 to take a commanding lead a Catterthun draw wicked off a guard to take the shot after that Catterthun took control of the game to see it out. Edzell missed out on the final by one end.

On Wednesday night two rinks were out against Panmure with Gordon & Ron skipping the teams to victory (better mention Bobby played second & skipped with Ron playing last stones). The scores were 6 -4 and 11 - 7.

We are now well into the first week of the Charity Shop and whilst takings are slightly down on last year it still looks like we will raise much needed funds for the club. We could still do with more items for the shop and helpers to assist in the shop itself. If you haven't cleared out the loft or raided the kids toys cupboard please do so and hand in any items to the shop.

As we near the end of the season we look forward to the final round of games and of course the build up to the AGM.

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