Monday 9 March 2009

Final's time

Eve Muirhead (see below)

As we run up to the end of the season there are a couple of announcements:

I have results from two of the recent Ferguson Quaich games with Alistair Inglis triumphant over Robert Miller and Mike Ferguson managing a win at last by beating Alastair. Whilst the format of the competition still draws comment it would appear to be finding favour and the 4 points for the shot seems to have made the games that bit more exciting. One more game to go with Robert playing Ron on Saturday 14th at 12:45.

On Tuesday night Edzell have 2 rinks out against Glenesk with Ron & Gordon skipping on this occassion. No pressure guys but the club's 100% inter club game record is at stake !!

As we enter the last week of the Charity Shop if anyone has any items to hand in please get them in ASAP.

Glenesk Curling Club are holding a Dinner & Presentation of Prizes at the Panmure Arms, Edzell on Saturday 21st March 2009 at 7.30 pm and all Edzell CC Members are invited. Tickets will cost £17 per person and can be booked by contacting Joan Caithness 0n 01356 670390.

For those interested in events further afield Eve Muirhead and her Scottish Junior Championship squad are sitting joint top with Canada in the World Junior Championships in Vancouver. You can follow results here:

On Tuesday the Forfar rink team of 3 rinks head down to Murrayfield to play in the finals of the Maxwell Trophy. Hamilton, Stranraer & Lockerbie have also qualified for the final games.

That's it for now I think apart from a reminder to all members to attend the AGM in April.

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