Friday 24 April 2009

AGM: Wednesday 22nd April 2009

President Bob would like to thank all who turned up for the AGM & meal. Those who did manage along enjoyed a most pleasant evening as club business was discussed throughout the evening over an excellent meal prepared by the Glenesk Hotel.

The main appointments were Bob Myles elected as President, Robert Miller as Vice-President, Ron Caithness as Secretary and Lynda Kemp as Treasurer.

The trophies were presented with Colin Inglis rink picking up the Club League, Russel Brown's rink collecting the Inglis Cup and Ron Caithness's rink winning the Ferguson Ouaich. The points were won by Mike Ferguson with Andrew Ferguson collecting the Handicap Points Trophy. The pairs were won by Colin Inglis & Mike Hay.

Other notable success's were Colin Inglis's rink winning the N&SE Province Dewar Trophy, Gordon Craik and his rink winning the Forfar Curling Centre Callander Trophy. In addition and Edzell rink skipped by Gordon were beaten in the final of the National Province Championships .

The club only lost out in one inter-club game and Ron had collected in all the inter-club trophies making for an excellent display on the night.

Congratulations go to all club members for making the season such an exciting one with ever league & competition going right down to the wire and on a number of occasions down to the last stone.

The club will be holding a summer barbecue in July or August more details to follow and an trip abroad is also being looked at seriously so a lot to look forward to.

Please keep any postings coming to to go up on the blog and look out for new members during the summer.

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