Thursday 19 March 2009

That's it folks

Well that's it - all club games have been played well done to everyone for making this such an exciting season.

Congratulations go to Ron and his rink in the Ferguson Quaich having secured sufficient shots up to take first place from Mike's rink. Playing against Robert Miller in the final game all Ron's vast experience came to fruition to overcome and secure the points needed to take the league by 4 shots.

Yet another league going down to the last game which can't be bad.

But wait there is more......

Gordon along with Lynda, Ron & David Myles played an outstanding game on Saturday to lift the Callander Cup after only 6 ends against Harold Haggart from Balruddrey. Gordon says his rink played excellently well, with David setting the tone with lead stones followed up by Ron and then Lynda at third. With plenty of cover the rink were able to build heads and see off the game in close order. Well done to all - your club is proud off you.

As mentioned in the last posting Mike was down at Murrayfield ice rink playing in the Maxwell finals for Forfar Ice Rink. Forfar were drawn against Stranraer with Hammy McMillan, Norman Brown & Philip Wilson the three Stranraer skips to contend against. Mike playing third to Adrian White peeled with Hammy, Bill Thomson's rink beat Philip Wilson but George Christie's rink lost out heavily to Norman Brown meaning Stranraer scrapped through on shots and then went on to win the trophy by beating Galleon. A good day amongst great company.

The Charity shop is now closed and thanks to all who helped out in any way. A great vote of thanks goes to Ron Caithness in particular who spent nearly all week in the shop. Ron your efforts are greatly appreciated.

We have made another handsome profit but we will leave the formal annoucement until the AGM so please make sure you come along and support the club. Please call Ron 01356 647212 to confirm if you are attending the AGM and the meal - we really want to ensure as many members as possible turn up.

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