Friday 16 October 2009

Club League Update

Last night witnessed the second club game of the season with Bob's rink taking on Gordon's rink with Gordon having only recently returned from America during which time he enjoyed a brief stay in hospital after attempting a double backward flip off the high board only to forget about the board and meet it with his leg on the way back down. Thankfully Gordon has recovered and might even struggle on to manage the Latvia trip.

Anyway back to the game. Bob managed to race of to a good lead and was 7 - 0 up before the frost had lifted off the ice. Gordon fought back with a nice 4 before Bob ran out eventual winners with a final score off 10 - 6. Gordon valiantly said he couldn't blame the leg for the defeat. The teams were Bob, Ron, Andy & Sandra against Gordon, Linda, David Wrden & Colin.

For those of us going to Latvia if you were wondering what to wear take a look at the picture above from Reform Curling Club who are currently over in Latvia doing just what we intend to do. It certainly looks a bit chilly. I have been in touch with Bob Cowan and he is to forewarn the Latvians what to expect from Edzell Curling Club and he is also going to come back to me with some helpful tips hopefully.

More about Latvia soon I hope. I am away to order my Latvian Lats but also intend to take US Dollars & some Euro's just in case. I am led to believe all major cards work over there and can be used at bank machines if required. I have found quite a few useful sites just by searching on Latvia and suggest others do that as well in preperation for the trip. Here are a few links: -
That should do for now.

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