Wednesday 14 October 2009

Summer is officially over, time to curl.....

Well summer is well and truly over and we look forward to longer and colder nights, but wait no time to get depressed - "Lets play curling" (apologies to all darts followers)

The first game of the season was played last night in the club league with Mike Ferguson's rink up against Colin Inglis rink. Alongside Mike were Ron Morrison, Russell Brown & Ron Caithness. Supporting Colin were David Myles, Maggie Inglis and Shaun Kelly. It was particularly pleasing to see David Myles back on the ice after his fight with a cow earlier in the year. You can't hold a good man down, David - well done.

It was good game on keen ice played in a great spirit. Mike's team managed a 3 on the first end and threatened to break away were it not for some great saving stones from Colin. Both teams played well with very few heavy stones and a nice drawing game allowing only seven enjoyable ends.

With a number of games coming up in short shift please check you syllabus for all of your games and be prepared.

Ron will be contacting everyone involved in the Latvia trip with final details. Not long now.

Finally if anyone would like an electronic copy of the syllabus please send an e-mail to and I will send one on. Also please if I don't have your e-mail please send me a message in order that we can keep in touch.

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