Saturday 14 March 2009

Crying over spilt milk

Alas our bubble finally burst and we lost our 100% record for the season to Glenesk Curling Club. (revenge is so sweet for that much publicised win over them on the outdoor ice earlier this season !!)

With Mike away on Maxwell Trophy duties with Forfar Ice Rink reaching the finals, Ron took over the team of Stephen Ferguson, Shaun Smith and Lynda Kemp and did we have a nightmare !!! Yes our curling was bad but praise where where praise is due and we were just outplayed on the evening being soundly thrashed 11 - 3.

Our other rink of Gordon Craik, Colin Myles, Ron Morrison and David Myles eventually overcame the monotony of slow the opposition I hasten to add...... to record a fine win.

Alas they could only muster a + 6 advantage and the Myles Quaich was duly presented to Glenesk.

The Charity shop is going well and sales are exceeding expectations. Ron and Bobby are thinking about opening a string of shops in the UK, such is their expertise and repartee with the customers.....banter extraordinaire !!! Yes we charm the pants on our customers and off they go with a new wardrope !!!

We hand over to the Bowling Club on Monday afternoon and our Bank balance will be much healthier. Thanks to all the contributors and to the members who helped in the shop. Our president really took to the task and enjoyed the new experience....a change from the mundane activities of the Council!!!

The final Game in the Ferguson Quaich will be played on Saturday 14th March and like the other leagues will go down to the wire.

Ron needs a +10 advantage to overcome Mikes Team. Robert is not out of it and a + 20 in his favour would see his rink lift the trophy.

Gordon and his rink compete in the semi final of the Callendar Trophy and we wish them well in this competition.

Also best wishes to Eve Muirhead and her team as she heads into the World Junior Final later tonight.

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